Far be it from me to criticize talented performers due to their hair style choice, but, when the choice in question is actively distracting from said performance, criticism has to be made! It was a good 5 minutes into the first time I watched one of Addison's stand-up routines before I realised that it wasn't the slightly jarring over-the-top performance style, which seemed at odds with his naturalistic role as Political adviser Ollie in 'The Thick of It', no it was the wholly unnecessary baby mutton chops crawling down his baby face. O Chris, no amount of oddly fashioned facial hair will stop you looking like a 12 year old public school boy. Into the same razor shy category I also have also to put David Tennant. A man who also employs the same level of puppy like energy in his performances, perhaps the sidies give them a Samson like energy? On no level does that mean I'd encourage any man alive to follow their example. Side burns are an exact science and, admittedly this may well be a personal hang up (though please do comment in support if you are with me) but any fashion sported by the Wurzels should be approached with extreme caution...and this is from a dye-hard country girl! Boys, you have been warned, cut them down or find yourself a combine harvester!
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