Well the first sign of an uneventful episode is surely that, only three hours after I watched it and I can only really remember one thing that happened . So to sum up this episode Check the post title.
OK so a few other things happened. All the lostiees were finally reunited for a start. Well not all exactly. Sun has been inex
Also not at the lostiee's reunion was Syid. He was too late to join Sawyer's plan to pass the others off as new Dharma recruits due to having landed somewhere in the jungle, yet still in 1977, so had to take the next best option; admit to being a "Hostile" (although that's not how they refer to themselves- so says Syid- fitting into the role a little too well) and being put in prison with things going in a very torture or death kind of a way. Let that be a lesson to you about punctuality. Things ar'n't looking good for him righ now as he gets little help from his old friend Sawyer.
No too surprising really as through this episode we see that for the first time in his life Sawyer is a respected and upstanding member of the community. Making a good honest living, coming home to his lady, putting his feet up and reading a good book. Hell, he even has the white picket fence and the pet smoke monster in the back garden. And then along come some people he new for a couple of months three years ago and he has to put it all on the line.
Particularly lame considering one of those is Kate, who still passes him significant glances wherever possible, despite having been nearly married to his former love rival.
Then there was of cause the best moment in the episode. OK some fans may still like Jack (well some people like Marzipan, you just can't trust some people) and dislike Sawyer's Cowboy stylings but, hay if being a bit rude is what it takes to take Saint Jack down a peg or two then fine. Besides, Sawyer isn't really an uneducated hick don't you know. He reads books and knows about Churchill. Churchill see Jack, who's the smart one now eh?! O what's that you say? You're a top spinal surgeon? Books and Churchill! Just focus on the books and Churchill. Intellectual damn it, Intellectual...will you people never see past the 'married to my sister' accent!?
O and then there was some weirdness with Christian and a floodlit house in Dharma town, which for some reason Sun and Lapidus needed a torch to enter. But well have to wait until next week to find out whats is going on there.
Unanswered Questions:
Was that Clair or just a blond 'runner' reflected in the glass at the Dharma house? Are some people sitting far too close to thier TV screens?
Does any one care enough about this Cesar guy for him to be randomly in episodes without any significant point? I smell a new Nikki and Paulo in the making.
Where the hell are Rose and Bernard? Have they gone into the same other world of characters lost in the time space continuum *cough* the writer's memories *cough, cough* as Catlin from Heroes?
Where exactly is Daniel? except for "not hear"-Thanks Sawyer- real helpful. Surely it is somehow connected to the ill fated coms officer building the Swan model?
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