Ok so here is the first review to christen my new style blog! And I'm going to start out small, so first up- a simple review of life.
Well...er.....ummm.... I guess the first thing to say is that there is and was quite a lot of it that in no way involves Humanity, although I doubt any of it will feature heavily in this blog, unless anyone is particularly keen on a review of vegetation of the Cretaceous era, and if you are then a) you are a very strange person(and God love you for it) and b) Wikipedia was invented for you my friend!
They say that if the scale of life on Earth was a year then we would only have come into existence a few minutes before the ball drops for the New Year. But then that would have been one hell of a New Years party! A whole year of survival of the fittest, giant scary looking things, tiny microscopic things and harsh weather conditions that would have really put the terrifying winter of '09 into perspective. Then in a new year party so wild it would make Hollywood cower in shame... BANG!: Marmite, America's Next Top Model, Wake Boarding, Pancakes, the smell of petrol, Duran Duran, Guitar hero,Brad Pit's face, Wayne Rooney's face (the Lord giveeth..), The Eiffel tower, Elton John's wigs, Harry potter and most importantly ...Youtube!
Yes if you really want to see a full cross section of life that is defiantly the place to go- It's probably how it sucks you in and will defiantly feature heavily in this blog! We live at a really odd time in that respect. Not only can you find out about any way of life from around the globe (you don't have to tell a blogger that!), but more often than not they will find you first! If you payed even a little attention to all the adverts, invites and information you get over the Internet or TV or in magazines, then you'll find that you are unintentionally finding out things about peoples lives all over the place that just 50 years ago would be unthinkable. If you want to know the specifics of someones life and their exact mood (or even if you really don't) Facebook will tell you.
So life for humans at our New Year party may suck at times, it may be full of Catch 22s you just don't see coming, kicks to the guts and, well, lets face it I think we all know that aging would work much better in reverse, no matter what Benjamin Button tries to tell us. Howeaver, basically there is a lot of it out there to explore and enjoy, or if not then to review, analyse and pick apart...and God bless our life and times that you can start your own blog to do just that!
Ali xo
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